GAME – Games as Art, Media, Entertainment
"Transformative Games Revisited"
Edited by Kristine Jørgensen, Doris C. Rusch, Astrid Ensslin, Riccardo Fassone
Games designed for a purpose beyond entertainment and recreation have a long history, spanning educational games, newsgames, and critical games. With the maturation of the medium, there has also been an emergence ...

n. 11/2023 – Interactive Digital Narratives
GAME – Games as Art, Media, Entertainment
Special Issue: "Interactive Digital Narratives: Counter-Hegemonic Narratives and Expression of Identity"
Edited by Ilaria Mariani, Mariana Ciancia, Judith Ackermann
The discourse on IDNs is today growingly prominent in scholarly debates (Koenitz, 2018; Koenitz et al., 2015), fed by an unceasing technological evolution that opens vaste possibilities ...

n. 10/2021-22 – A Decade in Games Studies
GAME – Games as Art, Media, Entertainment
Special Issue: "A Decade in Games Studies. Critical and reflexive interrogations on digital play and games research"
Edited by Marco Benoit Carbone, Federico Giordano, Ivan Girina, Ilaria Mariani, Marco Teti
With its 10th issue, GAME ( aims to attend to the changes, turns and critical rifts and ...

n. 9/2020 – The Taboos of Game Studies
G|A|M|E: The Italian Journal of Game Studies
Special Issue: "The Taboos of Game Studies"
Editors: Kristine Jørgensen (University of Bergen) and Riccardo Fassone (University of Torino)
The next issue of the Italian journal of game studies G|A|M|E ( welcomes contributions that address the taboos of game studies.
Taboos can be understood as social prohibitions based in religion or custom ...

n. 8/2019 – ‘Would you kindly?’: Claiming Video Game Agency as Interdisciplinary Concept
The new issue of G|A|M|E proposes a re-examination of the concept of agency in games. We welcome contributions that address the idea of agency from a variety of academic perspectives, taking into account its interdisciplinary history and application, in order to expand our critical understanding of the concept more broadly. ...

n. 7/2018 – Digital Entertainment for Special Needs, Special Needs for Digital Entertainment
Guest Editors:
Dr. Enrico Gandolfi
Kent State University
Dr. Richard E. Ferdig
Kent State University
Dr. Kaybeth Calabria
Franciscan University of Steubenville
It is well known that videogames represent the driving sector of the current entertainment with an excepted business of 90 billion dollars in 2016 (NewZoo 2015). Furthermore, the supporting technology is often at the ...

n. 6/2017 – Hear The Music, Play The Game. Music And Game Design: Interplays And Perspectives
Edited by Hillegonda C. Rietveld and Marco Benoît Carbone
Music composition and sound design in video games are important dimensions in the experience of play, gaining increased acknowledgement and attention within the game industry. The growing relevance and success of several kinds of music-based games, and their codification in novel genres ...

n.5/2016 Games on Games. Game design as critical reflexive practice
In its fifth issue, G|A|M|E invites the submission of analyses and reflections about the possibility (or lack thereof) of creating playable critiques of video games and of game culture at large. With this topic, G|A|M|E aims at exploring the feasibility of a playable game criticism – a meta-level in which ...

n.4/2014 Re-framing video games in the light of cinema
As audiovisual entertainment whose content is largely representational, video games have a lot more in common with film and television than merely characters and plotlines.
Mark J. P. Wolf
('Inventing Space: Toward a Taxonomy of On- and Off- Screen Space in Video Games', in Film Quarterly, vol. 51, n. 1, 1997, p. ...

n. 3/2014 – Video game subcultures. Playing at the periphery of mainstream culture
Peer-Reviewed Monograph – out Autumn 2013
Edited by Marco Benoit Carbone and Paolo Ruffino
=== EXTENDED DEADLINE for abstracts submission: 5th May ===
Call for papers:
Hardly identifiable with a unique audience, video games are an ever growing variety of texts and practices, with diverse technological, aesthetic, and cultural features. They form a complex, protean, ...

n.2/2013 Technology evolution and perspective innovation – 3D and spatial depth today and yesterday
The second issue of G|A|M|E| will investigate 3D technologies and their implications for the video game world. The concept of 3D, in this context, refers to both stereoscopy and, more generally, tridimensional systems of representation that have been dominant in video games since the early 1990s. The issue welcomes ...

n.1/2012 Pathways in the diffusion of digital gaming: relocations, pervasiveness, gamification
For its first issue, G|A|M|E proposes an inquiry into the diffusion of the videogame medium outside of its established contexts: a phenomenon that leads us to reconsider the object of our research as part of a wider media ecology.
Transformations in interface design make it difficult to map the boundaries of ...