The Global Game Jam (GGJ) is an event in which aspiring game developers with different expertise, meet together in order to and prototype complete games over a limited time. Initially targeted to game developers only, GGJ has become over the years a new collective ritual to strengthen practice communities and ...

Tribute and Resistance: Participation and affective engagement in Brazilian fangame makers and modders’ subscultures
This paper proposes a discussion on particular aspects of production and circulation of Brazilian fangames and mods, in an effort to better comprehend those two growing phenomena as actual subcultures in the Brazilian context. Although not limited to the following characteristics, we assume that fangames are game productions that are ...

Nordic game subcultures: between LARPers and avant-garde
This article is about structural resemblances, linguistic and rhetoric similarities and media-strategic as well as tactical operations, that Nordic LARPers and 20th century avant-garde artists share. Many of the 20th century avant-garde movements and subcultural formations started from a shared collective experience and then branches out into refined, diversified and ...