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Identità, immersività, patologia e tecnologia positiva: oltre i luoghi comuni sui videogioco
Stefano Triberti e Luca Argenton, entrambi dottorandi di ricerca, l’uno presso l’Università Cattolica, l’altro presso l’Università Bicocca di Milano, hanno dato alle stampe, per le edizioni Apogeo, un testo dedicato ad una branca peculiare dello studio dei ...

Lego: When video games bridge between play and cinema
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This paper proposes an exploration of the Lego Transmedia World. The starting point is a definition of a Lego aesthetics based on four characteristics: modularity, translatability, intertextuality and a tripartite nature of Lego minifigures. A brief analysis of the most popular types of Lego products – toys, games, ...

Jenna Ng (ed.), Understanding Machinima. Essays on Filmmaking in Virtual Worlds
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Understanding Machinima. Essays on Filmmaking in Virtual Worlds (Bloomsbury 2013, edited by Jenna Ng) is an intriguing incursion into the world of machinima from a Media Studies point-of-view, trying to address the topic beyond game's environment, in connection with the evolution of the contemporary mediascape.
Machinima is a recent technology/performance/art/tool ...

Towards a typology of video game trailers: Between the ludic and the cinematic
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This paper explores video game trailers, their various forms and the roles they play within video game industry and culture. It offers an overview of the current practice of video game trailer differentiation and proposes a new typology of video game trailers based on their relation to ludic ...

It wasn’t even acceptable in the Eighties: Hotline Miami and snuff films
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Hotline Miami is a game of massacre whose aesthetics are borrowed from an idealized version of
snuff films. Along with their bloodyness, it remediates their supposed means of production: a poor quality videocassette that is viewed on an old cathode ray tube television. Artifacts of these technologies contemporary to ...